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Stainless Steel

Heat Exchanger Gaskets


Heat exchanger gasket is a term used for gaskets in shell and tube type heat exchangers. This is usually a metal-jacketed gasket with a soft filler for higher temperatures. These gaskets are often referred to as DJs, or double-jacketed gaskets. The styles, materials, and configurations are limitless. 


Kammprofile gaskets are solid metal gaskets, which may have a soft sealing outer facing in order to conform to flange imperfections. These gaskets are used in areas where extreme temperatures and excessive movement due to thermal expansion exist. 


The chart to the left shows the common sizes used in shell and tube heat exchangers and their reference number-letter. The terminologies of shape can vary between manufacturers. Therefore a drawing is usually requested to ensure that shape as well as dimensional data is correct. 


CC Gasket can create and update drawings upon Customer’s request.

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